A Comprehensive Guide to Professional Type-Design
Designing their own font is the dream of many graphic designers. With the help of the book Making Fonts, this dream comes true.
Making Fonts paves your way to professional type design. Type designer Ulrike Rausch and I provide a clear and well-founded guide from sketch to your first own font.
This book came out in two English-language editions. Confusingly, the two editions have different titles, but the content is the same as. The British edition was published under the title Designing Fonts: An Introduction to Professional Type Design by Thames&Hudson in 2020. It is out of print now, but probably available as a used book.
The American edition was published by Gingko Press in 2022 and it’s still available. Like the German edition, it’s called Making Fonts, but without the somewhat silly »!« we included in the title of the German book. We were young.
Der Einstieg ins professionelle Type-Design
Designing their own font is the dream of many graphic designers. With the help of the book Making Fonts, this dream comes true.
Making Fonts paves your way to professional type design. Type designer Ulrike Rausch and I provide a clear and well-founded guide from sketch to your first own font.
This book came out in two English-language editions. Confusingly, the two editions have different titles, but the content is the same as. The British edition was published under the title Designing Fonts: An Introduction to Professional Type Design by Thames&Hudson in 2020. It is out of print now, but probably available as a used book.
The American edition was published by Gingko Press in 2022 and it’s still available. Like the German edition, it’s called Making Fonts, but without the somewhat silly »!« we included in the title of the German book. We were young.
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